Savings Account Image

Simple and

Exchange Rate
GBP/INR 107.90 less than £250 109.25 £250 to £1999 109.35 £2000 to £4999 109.40 £5000 to £9999
USD/INR 83.42 Up to $2000
11-10-2024Exchange Rate
GBP/INR 107.90 less than £250
109.25 £250 to £1999 109.35 £2000 to £4999 109.40 £5000 to £9999
USD/INR 83.42 Up to $2000
We would like to inform you that, as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our services, with effect from 30th September 2024, we would be withdrawing our internet banking facility. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our
customer support team at or +44 20 7332 4250.
Home>Business Banking>Treasury


In UK, Union Bank of India (UK) Ltd has adopted a focused approach towards improving efficiency and profitability by successful integration of operations of different financial markets, viz. fixed Income, Money market, Foreign Exchange and Derivatives and is poised to make its mark as an important player in the marketplace.

Bank has started the concept of institutional banking and has been active in interbank money market operations and it acts as a quoting bank to other financial institutions/banks in UK, outside UK and India.

Bank's treasury operations in London are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and handles various financial transactions, both for effective management of resources and its efficient deployment, besides timely compliance of regulatory requirements.

Investment operations are undertaken both in Primary and Secondary markets for fixed income securities rated within investment grade.

Trade Finance - Trust receipt financing, Issuance of acceptance of LC, bills collection bills discounting/purchase and handling.

In addition, currently we undertake the following operations:

  • Foreign exchange transactions
  • Remittances in selected currencies
  • Currency Swaps


Contact Us

For your Treasury related requirements, you may please contact us at +44 207 332 4250 by phone or email us at
