Savings Account Image
Exchange Rate
GBP/INR 106.97 less than £250 108.32 £250 to £1999 108.42 £2000 to £4999 108.47 £5000 to £9999
USD/INR 86.78 Up to $2000
07-02-2025Exchange Rate
GBP/INR 106.97 less than £250
108.32 £250 to £1999 108.42 £2000 to £4999 108.47 £5000 to £9999
USD/INR 86.78 Up to $2000
Home>Board Effectiveness Evaluation Review

Request for Proposals: Board Effectiveness Evaluation Review

Union Bank of India (UK) Ltd. is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced consultants to conduct a comprehensive Board Effectiveness Evaluation Review.

This initiative aims to ensure our Board operates at the highest levels of governance, effectiveness, and alignment with regulatory requirements and best practices.

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Request for Proposals: Appointment of Firm for Conversion of Financials

Union Bank of India (UK) Limited (UBIUK) is a fully owned subsidiary regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. The Subsidiary prepares its books of accounts in compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). However, the Holding Company viz Union Bank of India prepares its books of accounts under Indian Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (IGAAP). To ensure consistency and compliance with the Holding Company's reporting requirements, the Subsidiary seeks to appoint a reputable Chartered Accountant (CA) firm for the conversion of its financial statements from IFRS to IGAAP.

The main objective of this engagement is to convert the UBIUK's IFRS-based financial statements to IGAAP along with Limited Review Assurance ensuring they align with the requirements and expectations of the Holding Company for consolidation purposes.

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