Exchange Rate
GBP/INR 105.84 less than £250 107.19 £250 to £1999 107.29 £2000 to £4999 107.34 £5000 to £9999
USD/INR 84.08 Up to $2000
05-12-2024Exchange Rate
GBP/INR 105.84 less than £250
107.19 £250 to £1999 107.29 £2000 to £4999 107.34 £5000 to £9999
USD/INR 84.08 Up to $2000
We would like to inform you that, as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our services, with effect from 30th September 2024, we would be withdrawing our internet banking facility. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to reach out to our
customer support team at info@unionbankofindiauk.co.uk or +44 20 7332 4250.
At a glance

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Money Transfer

Remit Indian Rupee from UK to India, free of charge for UBI account holders.


Treasury services with Trade finance

enjoy all the financial benefits of your counterparts in India and more
